Here are 3 examples of what we talked about in class today. Please leave a comment behind telling me what you like about the example (1, 2 or 3) and how does it explain the questions or ideas we were talking about in class.
The questions or ideas were,
1. Fractions are relations, the size or amount of the whole matters.
2. Fractions represent division with a quotient of less than 1.
3. With unit fractions the greater the denominator the smaller the fraction.
I like Picture number one because I Think It explains it well and the picture really makes you understand what you just have read
I Don't Really Understand Picture Number Two.I like Picture number three because they have two parts to it for you to understand it. And The Pictures help on what i have just read.
I like picture number one because the examples break it into smaller part's to understand and I like how they compared fractions. I didn't really understand picture number two. I think they needed to put more information to back up the pictures they drew. I also like picture number three because the pictures are clear to understand and the information is explained well.
#2 and #3 where alright,but I liked #1 the best because they explained it very well and the pictures also helped me to understand.
i liked 1 the best, explained everything clearly to me. number two confused me i didn't understand it at all and3 was good too.
I like #1 because there is alot of info and I understand all of it.It doesn't just show words it has pictures too which makes it easier to learn it.
I like picture one because it has a lot of info, and it doesn't only show words it also shows picture too.
i like #1 because it is very easy to understand. They also picked good pictures the are easy and simple.
Wow i thought the whole thing was greeeaaat, great job, i didn't really understand question 1 i stumped me but this work made it seem easy and neat. The pictures made it easy understand what i was reading :)
i like #1 because they made it easy to understand and they also put pictures to make it better. i think #3 is good too but im not sure about number 2.
I liked #1 because it explained it was easy to understand with the picture and all that.. and the comparing was accurate..
I think number one is accurate, but then they used the word whole alot which kinda made it repetitive. Number 2 didnt realls explain to much, it was just a picture and they said where it was shaded. Number three was also great but i think they could've been a bit more detailed on what they were trying to say. All of the pictures really helped though, because if they can't really write out what they wanna say, they can SHOW them by pictures.
I really get number three it explains alot and number one is average but it explains things little by little yet you still learn them better (Y) and two is okay but really doesnt say that much things.
Well I personaly liked Picture 1 because it did a good job explaining and had some pictures to back it up. Picture 3 was good too but it should of shown more pictures to back up what it was saying. Number 2 to me was just meh because all its showed was some pictures and some words and nothing explaining much on what the pictures ment.
I like number 1 because its good at explaining things and is a lot easier to understand, and that just by reading it, most people would already understand what they're trying to say.But i don't understand #2 because there is just pictures but not many words and they aren't really explaining anything.
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