Tasha's Scribe
(An outline of the day for people who missed math class)
All we did in math class today was answer a review of fraction questions. (shown below)
1. Create 3 fractions
- The 3 fractions I chose was : 1/10, 4/10, and 5/6.
2. Write your table group fractions (12 fractions)
- My table came up with these 12 fractions; 2/3, 3/4, 6/10, 2/4, 6/6, 4/24, 1/2, 2/8.
3. Put these fractions on a number line in order.
- Not so sure it's in perfect order. Also sorry hard to see.

4. Create 2 mixed numbers
- I chose 1 1/3, and 2 1/4.
5. Collect you groups mixed numbers (8) (don't know what happened to the other 2 fractions)
- 5 6/10, 4 1/4, 1 1/4, 2 3/3, 1 1/2, 2 3/4,
6. Put in ascending numerical order.
- 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 1 3/4, 2 1/4, 2 3/4, 2 3/3, 4 1/4, 5 6/10.
7. Choose your 3 fractions.
- 1/10, 5/6, 4/10
8. How do these fraction show a part of a whole?
- Create 3 additional questions (ex. ____ + ___)
It was great how you labeled what we did step by step and made it look interesting. But at the end where you put the homework, it got choppy and cut up because it didnt fit on the side of the picture =/
niice . i like how you used pics to explain everything and its really simple. i dont get why you put a question mark in the pic for the fraction for 1/10
i like ur scribe it made it easier to understand what we did if i didnt understand it
Great job on your scribe tashy! very understandable and easy to uhh understand XD Great Job!
great job t-force! :) i like how on your scribe you used pictures, which was done nicely. At the end where you put homework create 3 additional questions. don't you mean create 3 adding fractions? and you could've put an example using actual fractions. just for the people who were away... but still great scribe, nicely done :)
great job you did alot of work it looked like it took a long time
Good job! I like how you explained your work with pictures! Your strategy was really simple!
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