Hypotenuse is the c leg of the right triangle and the c square in the Pythagorean Triple

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goood job vina
Great job Vina!
I like how you show us on how to find the missing leg step by step.
Great Job Vina i like how you used a bubble share to show your pictures
good idea using Bubbleshare to display your work!
nice job
The bubbleshare got cut off for me but i could make you most of it haha. The only thing that kind of confused me was the thing at the begining where you said "Hypotenuse is the c leg of the right triangle and the c square in the Pythagorean Triple"
I might just tired and not thinking but...yeah =P
good job. i think that the bubbleshare was too big.. sorry =P
good job vina! but u could've chosen a smaller bubbleshare! DX oh no!! ahhhh~~ (runs away from super angry vina.) though its understaaaaaaaaandable~~ XD so dont hurt me!!! O.O
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