1) What strategies were needed?
- Ratio tables, Money, Clocks, Number line
2) How did you use these strategies?
- I used a ratio table to answer most of them, then division and multiplication to get the amount of cups for each container. I put the price on one side and the cups on the other to find the price. For the cups I just used multiplication and division.
3) Or how could you have used these strategies?
- I think it may have been better to use number lines to answer, since money wouldn't work that well, and clocks too. For number line I could've used it to find the price of the containers.
4) How would you figure out the price of a 6 cup bag of Betty's Snack mix?
Use a ratio table
5) Find 3 other values (amounts of Snack Mix) that could be solved using the same ratio table. Find the $$ of your new container sizes.
Question 2
Question 3
Mark - 7/8
Rachel - 11/12
Equivalence - I would use equivalence by finding a denominator that works with both of them. To find that out, I would count by 8 and see if 12 goes into it. And if it does, then the denominator works with both of them. 8 ÷ 12 = A decimal so that doesn't work.
16 ÷ 12 = A whole with a decimal, still doesn't work.
24 ÷ 12 = 2. This is the number that 8 and 12 can go into. So to find out the numerators, since to get 8 into 24 you have to multiply by 3, so i multiply the numerator, which is 8 by 3 also. I would get 21/24. For Rachel I would multiply by two since you multiply 12 by 2 to get 24. Then you would get 22/24. Which shows that Rachel ran farther by 1/24.
Fractions show operations - Fractions show operations means that fractions show division easily. 7/8 of 26 really means 7 ÷ 8 x 26. Well for Mark, 7/8 = 0.875 which is 87.5%. And Rachel ran 11/12 which is 11/12 = 0.916 which is 91.6%. This also shows that Rachel ran farther. Then you can do 7/8 then multiply that by 26 to find out how much 7/8 of 26 is. You would get 22.75. Same for Rachel. 11/12 then multiply that by 26. You get 23.83. Also proves that Rachel ran farther
Ratio Tables (Proportional Reasoning) - Ill use a picture.
Measurement - Ill use a picture
Partial Products or the Distributive Property - This is where you change a number like 7/8 into something easier to work with. You can cut 7/8 into 4/8 (half) + 3/8. So half of 26 is 13. To find 3/8 you can do 3/8 x 26 and get 9.75. 9.75 + 13 = 22.75. For Rachel, 11/12 can be put into 6/12 (half) and 5/12. Half of 26 is 13. 5/12 x 26 = 10.83. Add them up = 23.83.
The Whole Matters - This means that if you're comparing fractions. THE WHOLES HAVE TO BE THE SAME. You can't compare something if its 1/3 of 24 and 2/5 of 125. The wholes have to be the same. You can use this to answer the question by keeping the wholes the same size.
Friendly Fractions - To use this you can turn, an ugly 7/8 into a bunch of little 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8. 1/8 = 0.125 then multiply by 7 = 0.875 or 7/8 then multiply by 26 to find 7/8 of 26. Same with 1/12. 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12. 1/12 = 0.083 x 11 = 0.913 or 11/12. Then multiply by 26 to find out 7/8 of 26.
Question 4
1)How much pizza does each student get in the different groups?
A. 3/4
B. 4/5
C. 5/6
D. 7/8
2)Which group gets the largest portion of pizza?
Group D
3)Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways.
In the voicethread.
4)What strategies did you use in finding your answer.
I used ratio tables and circles.
5)Show your answer is 2 different ways. I would recommend that you create a voicethread of your work.
In the voicethread.
Marking Rubric:
Growing Post Question 1 Betty's Snack Mix Total 14/15
Answers all questions. 5/5
Quality of answers. 9/10
Growing Post Question 2 10/10
Embeds the voicethread after question 1/1
Creates the Voicethread to answer Question 1/1
Add Comments to further elaborate on the strategies used 4/4
Math work is correct in the voicethread 4/4
Bonus marks for any person doing more than 4 questions 0/2
Growing Post Question 3 10.5/14
Uses Pictures or a voicethread to answer the question 3.5/3.5
Explains the 7 strategies using 7/8 and 11/12 7/7
Comments on the voicethread 0/3.5 (Didn't make a voice thread)
Question 4 Sharing Pizza's 14/15
Clearly shows How much pizza does each student get in the different groups? 4/4
Shows which group gets the largest portion of Pizza 2/2
Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways. 4/4
What strategies did you use in finding your answer. Student must show strategy and explain how it was used. 1/2
Added comments on voicethread or added detail to explanations 3/3
Total Math Work 48.5/54
Formatting 21/21
Proper title 2/2
Proper labels 3/3
Only one post and no drafts left in dashboard 2/2
Questions are in the proper order 4/4
Post looks pleasing 10/10
Completing Self Evaluation and leaving a comment 10/10
Completing 2 Peer Evaluations Leaving comments on the Growing Post and Voice threads 20/20
Total Marks for Growing Post 99.5/105
I think that I did great, well to me ^^
Good work ^^
Could use a little color to separate the answers from the questions, but other than that, great job.
I would give you a...23/25 or whatever its out of.
Peer Evaluation
Growing Post Question 1 Betty's Snack Mix Total (14/15 marks)
Answers all questions 5/5
Quality of Answers 9/10
Growing Post Question 2 (6/10 marks)
Embeds the voicethread after question 1/1
Creates the Voicethread to answer Question 1/1
Add Comments to further elaborate on the strategies used /4
Math work is correct in the voicethread 4/4
Bonus marks for any person doing more than 4 questions /2
Growing Post Question 3 (9.5/14 marks)
Uses Pictures or a voicethread to answer the question 3.5/3.5
Explains the 7 strategies using 7/8 and 11/12 6/7
Comments on the voicethread /3.5)
Question 4 Sharing Pizza's (12/15 marks)
Clearly shows How much pizza does each student get in the different groups? 4/4
Shows which group gets the largest portion of Pizza 2/2
Show how you found your answer in 2 different ways. 4/4
What strategies did you use in finding your answer. Student must show strategy and explain how it was used.2/2
Added comments on voicethread or added detail to explanations /3
Total Math Work (41.5/54 marks)
Formatting (21/21 Marks)
Proper title (2/2 Marks)
Proper labels (3/3 marks)
Only one post and no drafts left in dashboard (2/2 marks)
Questions are in the proper order (4/4 Marks)
Post looks pleasing (10/10 Marks)
62.5 / 77 marks
You did pretty good. I like how you did Question number 4 because you gave the actually gave the answer because the others didnt put who actually got the biggest piece so good job (Y)
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