Wednesday, October 31, 2007
chris`s growing post

theressa's growing post

this is my fun fraction game. i made a pie lol. you have to try it it just keeps on getting harder.


In our bike race every1/10 we put water stations witch are blue. Every 1/4 of the we have a

1/2 +3/4 is not equal because 1/2 is a half of something and a quarterr is a fourth of something.
Monday, October 29, 2007
selena's growing post

http://www.funbrain.com/brain/MathBrain/MathBrain.html this the website to a game cause there is a hole bunch of different games on here and you can learn something from here.

which is bigger 1/2 + 1/4 or 7/12 + 1/5
7/12 + 1/5 = 47
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Angel's First Growing Post

1/2 = 30 minutes in 60 minutes /because its half
1/6 = 10 minutes in 60 minutes /60 divided by 6 30 minutes + 10 minutes = 40 minutes.
1/4 = 15 minutes in 60 minutes / to get this answer you divide 60 by 4.
7/12 = 35 minutes in 60 minutes / to get this answer you divide 60 by 12
15 minutes + 35 minutes = 50 minutes
1/4 and 7/12 is bigger by ten .

1. We used clocks and division to solve the questions.
2. We used different colors to tell where all the stops are at.
6. Do a google search for fraction games. Find a good site and write a review of the game. Tell everyone what is good about this site.
This fraction game was really fun it's an arcade kind of game.
All levels explain how to do fractions for diagrams, equivalent fractions, fractions equivalent to decimals and percentages, equivalent ratios and simplified ratios.
7. Go back to your picture of the bike race. Tell us all about how you calculated the Km positions at a twelfth, sixth and a third. did you see any patterns?
For 12th we divided it by sixty which equals five for sixth we divided it by sixty and it equals 20. the pattern that i noticed was that some of them landed on the same spot.
8. What are 2 different ways to find a quarter and 3/4 of a number. Use one of the following 16, 22, or 110.
16, You have to divide 1/4 by four because 1/4 is 1 piece of four equal parts, 16/4=4 you will get this answer if you multiply 4x4 because it will give you the answer 16. Multiply 1/4 by 3 to find out what 3/4 of a number is. So 4x3=12 and 12 is 3/4 because 1/4 is 4 and 4x4=16.
SORRY! I don't know what to do for number nine because I haven't done the test! I'll post when I do it.
10) Mark your own Growing post and one other persons growing post. Use the following guide. Paste it in as a comment. Be honest. You may mark a persons work from another room. You may not mark a person's post that has already had a person mark it. Look before you comment.
Scoring Guide
Title /1
Label /1
Question 3 /5
Question 4/5 /3
Question 6 /5
Question 7 /3
Question 8 /5
Question 9 /5
Question 10 /7
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Vicky's First Growing Post
First I divide 2 (denominator) into 12, which is 6. Then I time 6 to 5 mins, which gives me the answer, 30 mins.
2 ÷ 12 x 5 mins = 30 mins
You could do this in another way too.
Divide 2 (denominator) into 60 mins, which equals to the answer, 30 mins.
2 ÷ 60 mins = 30 mins
Same thing. 6 (denominator) divided by 12, is 2. 2 times, 5 mins is 10 mins.
6 ÷ 12 x 5 mins = 10 mins
Again, you could do this in another way.
6 (denominator) divded by 60 mins, equals 10 mins.
6 ÷ 60 = 10 mins.
Now, you add the answers.
30 mins plus 10 mins equal 40 mins.
30 mins + 10 mins = 40 mins (40 mins/60 mins)
4 (denominator) divided by 12 is 6, 6 times 5 mins is 15 mins.
4 ÷ 12 x 5 mins = 15 mins
Different way...
4 (denominator) divide by 60 mins is 15 mins.
4 ÷ 60 mins = 15 mins
12 (denominator) divided by 12 is 1, 1 times 5 mins is 5 mins, but look at the numerator '7', so 7 times 5mins is 35mins.
12 ÷ 1 x 5 mins x 7 = 35
Another way doing this...
12 (denominator) divded by 60 mins is, 35 mins.
12 ÷ 60 mins = 35 mins.
Then you add the mins,
15 mins + 35 mins = 50 mins (50 mins /60 mins)
Now lets compare.....
The first set of fraction is, 1/2 + 1/6. We found out it equals to 40/60.
The second set of fraction is, 1/4 + 7/12. We found out it equals to 50/60.
40/60 <>
6. Do a google search for fraction games. Find a good site and write a review of the game. Tell everyone what is good about this site.
Fraction Game Link:
This fraction game is pretty easy, its like a matching game. I just like the sound effects. ^^ It's funny.
7. Go back to your picture of the bike race. Tell us all about how you calculated the Km positions at a twelfth, sixth and a third. did you see any patterns?
For 12th we divided it by 60 which equals to 5,
6th I divided it by 60 and it's 10.
3rd i divided it by 60 and it equals to 20.
The patterns i noticed were that, some of the numbers landed on the same KM, like : 20, 30, 40, ect...
8. What are 2 different ways to find a quarter and 3/4 of a number. Use one of the following 16, 22, or 110.
I can get 3/4 of a number by cutting 16 in half (8) then cut 8 in half (4) add both numbers , 4 and 8, and you get 12. 12 is 3/4 of 16
9) Write a fraction question and answer it. It has to be a question like one you have had on a test. You may answer it in pictorial or word form.
Fraction Question, which is bigger? 9/12 + 3/4 or 2/5 + 4/6
Haha thats look so challenging ^^
Ok first, i divided 12 (denominator) to 60 mins, which is 5 mins, and i times it by 9 (numerator) and the answer is, 45 mins.
Next fraction, 3/4. I divided 4 (denominator) to 60 mins, which is 15 mins, and i times it by 3 (numberator) which is 45 mins.
Now i add the two mins, 45 mins plus 45 mins is 90 mins (90/60 or 1 30/60)
Next fraction, 2/5. 5 divided by 60 mins is 12 mins, 12 mins times 2 is, 24 mins.
Last fraction, 4/6. 6 divided by 60 mins is 10 mins, 10 mins times 4 is, 40 mins.
Now i add the last two mins, 24 plus 40 mins is, 64 mins. (64/60 or 1 4/60)
Ok let's compare.... 1 whole 30/60 > 1 whole 4/60
10) Mark your own Growing post and one other persons growing post. Use the following guide. Paste it in as a comment. Be honest. You may mark a persons work from another room. You may not mark a person's post that has already had a person mark it. Look before you comment.
Vina's First Growing Post
I first half a clock which equal to 30 minutes then i divided the 60 minutes to 6 and it equal to 10 minutes ( 1/2 - 1/6 ). Then I divided 60 minutes to 4 which equals to 15 minutes. Then I divided 60 to 12 which equals to 5 minutes, time 5 minutes to 7 equals 35 minutes( 1/4 - 7/12 ). I added (1/4) 15 minutes to 35 minutes ( 7/12 ) = 50/60, 60 is the denominator because that how many minutes there are in an hour and 50 as the numerator because that the total of the fractions that got added. Then i also did the same thing to (1/2 ) 30 minutes and 10 minutes ( 1/6 ) = 40/ 60.
4.Find your picture of your final project "The Bike Race Fundraiser" at flickr

5.Once you are at flickr and find your picture save it to your desktop or where ever you save your pictures. You should label it ***bikerace. Then upload it to the blog. Once it is there you will have to select it (double click) then cut it and put it into the right spot at in your post. Tell us 2 things about your bike race.
divide resting points, food wagons, water stations, juice and snack and kilometer marker to 60 and get answer. They all end up at the finish point.
6. Do a google search for fraction games. Find a good site and write a review of the game. Tell everyone what is good about this site. You also need to create a link to the site.
http://www.jamit.com.au/htmlFolder/app1001.html i picked this game because i think its cute and because you have to color a box with the given fraction.
7. Go back to your picture of the bike race. Tell us all about how you calculated the Km positions at a twelfth, sixth and a third. did you see any patterns?
i divided 60 to 12 = 5, 60 to 6 = 10 60 to 3 = 20 or i figure that 12 is half of 6 and 6 is half of 3. The pattern that i saw some of the km markers landed on the same numbers .
8. What are 2 different ways to find a quarter and 3/4 of a number. Use one of the following 16, 22, or 110.
(16)16 multiply to 0. 75 = 12
16 multiply to 0.25 = 4
9) Write a fraction question and answer it. It has to be a question like one you have had on a test. You may answer it in pictorial or word form.
10) Mark your own Growing post and one other persons growing post. Use the following guide. Paste it in as a comment. Be honest. You may mark a persons work from another room. You may not mark a person's post that has already had a person mark it. Look before you comment.
Scoring Guide
Title /1
Label /1
Question 3 /5
Question 4/5 /3
Question 6 /5
Question 7 /3
Question 8 /5
Question 9 /5
Question 10 /7
Total /35
Most importantly in the comment tell the student what they did well and what they could improve upon next time. Thanks for commenting.
jordanp. :D
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Nigels first growing post

double this answer to 8/12
so the 1/4 + 7/12 is bigger
1/2 is 30 min and 1/6 is 5 min so it is 35 min. And 1/4 is 15 min 7/12 is 35 min so its 50 min 1/4 + 7/12 is bigger.

There were water, food, juice.
60 / 12 = 5
60/ 6=10
60/ 3=20
Thats a good fraction game.
22/4=5.5 then 5.5 x 3=16.5
what is lager 1/3 or 1/2
1/2 is larger because the denominator is smaller and the numerator is the same.
I would mark mine a 6/10 because its not on time but i tried my best.

Catfood and Fractions?
and the password is room## where you have math. In your comment talk about the strategy and what you understand. You need to pick a picture to talk about at voicethead, then comment.
Or you can comment on these slides from today's class.
Here are the slides from today.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Wheaty's first growing post

for getting 12th 6th and 3rd I divided 12, 6 and 3 to 60 and got my product of 5 for 12 10 for 6 and 20 for 3
Monday, October 22, 2007
Tasha's First Growing Post
I think 1/2 and 1/6 is bigger
Tasha And Angels Bike Race
Tell us 2 things about your bike race.
1. Our bike race is very colourful.
2. We tried to answer some of the questions with an idea of a clock and with division.
6. Do a google search for fraction games. Find a good site and write a review of the game. Tell everyone what is good about this site.
My Awesome Fraction Game
The fraction site I found is about soccer. You have to add, subtract, mutiply, and divide and much more to fractions. If you get the answer right, you get to score on the other team. If you get it wrong the oppistie teams shoots on you.
Heres the link: http://www.funbrain.com/fractop/index.html
7. Go back to your picture of the bike race. Tell us all about how you calculated the Km positions at a twelfth, sixth and a third. did you see any patterns?
For 12th we didvied it by 60 which = 5 ,6th I divided it by 60 and it= 10. 3rd i divided it by 60 and it = 20. The patterns i noticed were that some of the numbers landed on the same markers , like : 20, 30, 40, ect...
8. What are 2 different ways to find a quarter and 3/4 of a number. Use one of the following 16, 22, or 110.
9) Write a fraction question and answer it. It has to be a question like one you have had on a test. You may answer it in pictorial or word form.
My fraction questions is: Show 2 ways to get 3/4 of 300. In word form, i would do a chop chop thing : cut 300 in half = 150, then cut 150 in half = 75. Add 150 and 75 = 225.
In pictorial form:

10) Mark your own Growing post and one other persons growing post. Use the following guide. Paste it in as a comment. Be honest. You may mark a persons work from another room. You may not mark a person's post that has already had a person mark it. Look before you comment.

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