I first half a clock which equal to 30 minutes then i divided the 60 minutes to 6 and it equal to 10 minutes ( 1/2 - 1/6 ). Then I divided 60 minutes to 4 which equals to 15 minutes. Then I divided 60 to 12 which equals to 5 minutes, time 5 minutes to 7 equals 35 minutes( 1/4 - 7/12 ). I added (1/4) 15 minutes to 35 minutes ( 7/12 ) = 50/60, 60 is the denominator because that how many minutes there are in an hour and 50 as the numerator because that the total of the fractions that got added. Then i also did the same thing to (1/2 ) 30 minutes and 10 minutes ( 1/6 ) = 40/ 60.
4.Find your picture of your final project "The Bike Race Fundraiser" at flickr

5.Once you are at flickr and find your picture save it to your desktop or where ever you save your pictures. You should label it ***bikerace. Then upload it to the blog. Once it is there you will have to select it (double click) then cut it and put it into the right spot at in your post. Tell us 2 things about your bike race.
divide resting points, food wagons, water stations, juice and snack and kilometer marker to 60 and get answer. They all end up at the finish point.
6. Do a google search for fraction games. Find a good site and write a review of the game. Tell everyone what is good about this site. You also need to create a link to the site.
http://www.jamit.com.au/htmlFolder/app1001.html i picked this game because i think its cute and because you have to color a box with the given fraction.
7. Go back to your picture of the bike race. Tell us all about how you calculated the Km positions at a twelfth, sixth and a third. did you see any patterns?
i divided 60 to 12 = 5, 60 to 6 = 10 60 to 3 = 20 or i figure that 12 is half of 6 and 6 is half of 3. The pattern that i saw some of the km markers landed on the same numbers .
8. What are 2 different ways to find a quarter and 3/4 of a number. Use one of the following 16, 22, or 110.
(16)16 multiply to 0. 75 = 12
16 multiply to 0.25 = 4
9) Write a fraction question and answer it. It has to be a question like one you have had on a test. You may answer it in pictorial or word form.
10) Mark your own Growing post and one other persons growing post. Use the following guide. Paste it in as a comment. Be honest. You may mark a persons work from another room. You may not mark a person's post that has already had a person mark it. Look before you comment.
Scoring Guide
Title /1
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Question 3 /5
Question 4/5 /3
Question 6 /5
Question 7 /3
Question 8 /5
Question 9 /5
Question 10 /7
Total /35
Most importantly in the comment tell the student what they did well and what they could improve upon next time. Thanks for commenting.
jordanp. :D
Scoring Guide
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Question 3 /5
Question 4/5 /3
Question 6 /5
Question 7 /3
Question 8 /5
Question 9 /5
Question 10 /7
Total /35
Most importantly in the comment tell the student what they did well and what they could improve upon next time. Thanks for commenting.
I give myself 30/35 because i followed everything that was on sargentparkmathzone.blogspot.com but I don't think I did my best explaining what I did on the question but I tried to explain it carefully so that everyone could understand it, and also some of the question I couldn't understand it.
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Question 6 /5
Question 7 /3
Question 8 /5
Question 9 /5
Question 10 /7
Total /35
Most importantly in the comment tell the student what they did well and what they could improve upon next time. Thanks for commenting.
I would give vina a 31/35 because she answer all the questions with the answers. Easy to understand =)
But i would have made my pictures a bit bigger so i could have read them or really knew what they were about. Overall oustanding job!
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Question 3 /5
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Question 6 /5
Question 7 /3
Question 8 /5
Question 9 /5
Question 10 /7
Total /35
Most importantly in the comment tell the student what they did well and what they could improve upon next time. Thanks for commenting.
I would give vina a 32/35 because she did really good on it. and it was easy to understand. and i think she did her best but it was pretty good and i think she could of done better. and she could have made her pictures bigger so it would be easier to understand. but overall she did pretty good!!!
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