DerJor's Tour De Somewhere!

1. We did all the math necessary to find where to put each marker
2. We made a big legend so you know what each symbol means.
Okay, so I'm coming back here for Number 7 on the blog. How I got the KM positions for every 12th, 6th, and 3rd of the course.
The bike course is 60km long, so all you have to do is divide 60 by the fraction. For 12, I divided 60 by 12, which is 5. So one KM Marker should be put on the course, every 5km. For every 6th, I divided 60 by 6, which is 10, so there should be another KM Marker every 10 km on the course. For every 3rd, I divided 60 by 3, and that equals 20, so there should be another KM Marker every 20km on the course!
Everytime the divisor is halved (12, 6, 3), the answer is doubled (5, 10, 20).
Fun Fraction Game?
No offense, Mr. Harbeck.. but I really couldn't find a 'fun' fraction game.. But I did find an interesting one at this website.
Rate and Review - Learning Planet's Fraction Frenzy:
This game was pretty fun overall, considering it's a game about fractions... You have to math the equivilent fractions, and they're all on cards, in a set. When you start the game, it's pretty easy, but past about level 5, it gets pretty hard. The object of theg ame is to math all of the fractions before time runs out. My score was 11110 points, which is okay. One thing that really made me laugh about this game, is that they tried to make shapes with the cards... Here's an example:

I laughed out loud when I saw that.
Anyways, I rate this game 4 out of 5.
I'm going to use the number 16 for this.
To find 1/4 of a number, you have to divide the number by 4, since 1/4 means 1 piece of 4 equal parts.
16\4 = 4. I know this because If you multiply 4 by 4 it equals 16. To find 3/4 of a number, you can divide the 1/4 by 3 (0.25 x 3 = 0.75, 0.75 = 3/4). So we multiple 4 (1/4 of 16) by 3, and that equals 12 (3/4 of 16).
Stay in school, kids.
~Jordan Pabon(:
well... I thought i was done... but NOOO. Harbeck had to add more... oh well here goes
Title - 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 - 4/5
Question 4 and 5 - 3/3
Question 6 - 4/5
Question 7 - 3/3
Question 8 - 4/5
Question 9 - 5/5
Question 10 - 7/7
TOTAL: 32/35
Title - 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 - 5/5
Question 4 and 5 - 3/3
Question 6 - 5/5
Question 7 - 3/3
Question 8 - 5/5
Question 9 - 5/5
Question 10 - 6/7
TOTAL : 34/35
Very creative, almost like you copied this from a professional website. Not really...
I like how you made your pictures in paint, very original. And the Copyright isn't half bad either.
Only thing you did wrong : You didn't explain WHY YOU DESERVE 32/35 (so you wrote), Einstein. So I recommend reading this before Monday and editing your post.^^
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