Well, This is just the exact same thing that we've done on all the test and stuff. To compare them we need the find out what both of them equal. Using the Clocks, we just divide the denominator into the amount of minutes (60) to find how many minutes the fraction represents as a unit fraction. Or we can divide it into the 12 because there are 12 markers on a clock.
1/2 = 30 minutes or 6 marker's. 1/4= 15 minutes or 3 markers.
1/6 = 10 minutes or 2 marker's. 7/12= 35 minutes or 7 markers.
60 divided by 2 = 30 60 divided by 4 = 15
60 divided by 6 = 10 60 divided by 12 = 5
"David/Kierra's BikeRace"
Okay so for this, we divided the amount of km of the course, by the fractions denominator. There were KM markers for every 12th, 6th, and 3rd of the course.
The bike course is 60km long, so all you have to do is divide 60 by the fraction's denominator like i said earlier. For the one about every twelfth, I divided 60 by 12, which is 5. So one KM Marker should be put on the course, every 5km. For every 6th of the course, I divided 60 by 6, which is 10, so there should be another KM Marker every 10 km. For every 3rd of the course, I divided 60 by 3, and that equals 20, so there should be another KM Marker every 20km on the course!
Patterns:Every time the divisor is halved (12, 6, 3), the answer is doubled (5, 10, 20).
There are markers every 5km because 20, 10, and 5 are all multiples of 5.
There are markers every 5km because 20, 10, and 5 are all multiples of 5.
TheGame: (Hyperlink=Game)
The site i did my review on was http://www.jamit.com.au/fraction-games.htm .
It was pretty cool because it covered a lot of things on fractions.
And it was like you were role playing a character, you had to answer the questions that they throw at you, but they taught you first while you journey through.
The thing i really like about it was that there was a test at the end of it . . .
Not that i like tests but that was a good thing to have there, because some people might play and learn it for a second, but then they sometimes forget.
So that was a nice feature to test their memory and knowledge.
Something i would like to change is the kind of layout to it and stuff. Because they had it in different sections and you had to earn points to do the next one. I guess it was to help people learn all they could about the basics before advancing to the harder stuff, but it gets kind of annoying to do the same level over and over again. Also i would rename the character . . .
What kind of person names a kid Fifi?
This game and site is recommended if you need help in learning math simple and very clearly explained.
I'm going to use the number 16 for this like most people because we are the lazy teenage punks! Anyway, to find 1/4 of a number, you have to divide the number by 4 because 1/4 means 1 piece of 4 equal parts. 16/4 = 4. I know this because If you multiply 4 by 4 it equals 16. To find 3/4 of a number, we can just multiply the answer from 1/4 that we got earlier by 3, (4 x 3 = 12 ) so we get 12. We know 12 is 3/4 because 1/4 is 4, and 4 x 4 = 16, if you did 16 - 12 you would get 4, meaning there is 1/4 left over if we had 12. So if we have 1/4 from whats left over from 12 and 16, that would mean that 12 is 3/4.
ok, so 1/4 + 3/4 OR 1/6 + 4/6
There are a few ways to do this. First find out what 1/4 is out of 60 because there are 60 minutes on the clock counted by 5 min and there is a marker for every 5 minutes, so there are 12 markers. Anyway we find out 1/4 first because its simple and its a unit fraction. you can look at the clock and just divide it into four equal pieces. OR divide 12 by the denominator to find out what marker it goes on ( this stratagy only works with unit fractions ).So now we know that 1/4 goes on the 3 which is 15 minutes, since the other fraction is 3/4 you can just tripple you answer for 1/4, and then add the both of them. It would be like 15min+45min=60 So we get 60 minutes for 1/4 and 3/4. Now we can just repeat the stratageys that we used earlier with the unit fraction. So if we do that, then we should find out that 1/6 goes on the marker 2 which is 10 minutes. Now we just multiply that 4 times to get 4/6.So we get a total of 50 minutes for 1/6 and 3/6. We could have also added zero's behind the numbers because then 6 would be 60, like a clock and we would just be able to add the numerators of both fractions to find out the minutes. So that means 1/4 + 3/4 is larger than 1/6 + 4/6
Finally done . . . but i think i started not to make sense at the end.
Anyway good night =]
Scoring Guide
Title 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 5/5
Question 4/5 3/3
Question 6 5/5
Question 7 3/3
Question 8 5/5
Question 9 5/5
Question 10 7/7
Total 35/35
I worked hard on this and took my time to finnish this, though im not quite sure about marking question 1o because question 10 says to mark yours and someone elses, so i guess it means to give yourself marks if you marked yours and someone elses? I think thats what it means, but correct me if im wrong. As for the rest of the questions, i answered them as well as i could and finnished all of it. So in my point of view i should deserve these marks
Scoring Guide
Title 1/1
Label 1/1
Question 3 5/5
Question 4/5 3/3
Question 6 5/5
Question 7 3/3
Question 8 5/5
Question 9 5/5
Question 10 7/7
Total 35/35
You put a lot of effort into your work. The pictures were designed, you explained EVERYTHING for EVERY question. Great Job ;)
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